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RES: Scanning

Thank you Jack, Michael, Loris and Ryuji. Indeed the scanner I’m using is the Epson 4990. My main concern is about pre scan adjustments. All the information you provided was very useful to me. Any news on the matter I’d appreciate to be brought to light on the list. See you,




De: Jack Fulton [mailto:jefulton1@comcast.net]
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2008 12:32
Para: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Assunto: Re: Scanning


Could you please inform me which are, in your opinion, the best books

(article or any sources) on scanning, both opaque and transparency,

black&white and color? 


Though not a relative, here's a basic site w/much info is"


This site by Wayne Fulton introduces you to the basics and provides a

tremendous amount of information on resolution, film to print etc.

I'd start here first.

Jack F

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Atualizado em 21/08/2008

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