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Re: gum preservatves

David & Chris, that also arrived to my mind just after had sent my last
message... Even if I refrain to introduce another alien compound into
consideration - as a first impression -, it sounds interesting /
promising. You can bet I will try this (with citric acid)as soon as
possible! Of course there's also the staining issue... I'll see. Thanks!

Chris, do you know how much lemon juice was Demachy adding to his gum?


4 Eylül 2008, Perşembe, 8:28 pm tarihinde, zphoto@montana.net yazmış:
> Lemon juice does the trick and was Demachy's method in 1897.
> Chris
> ----- Original Message Follows -----
> From: davidhatton@totalise.co.uk
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: Re: gum preservatves
> Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 16:18:47 +0100
>>Hi Loris,
>>Is there any reason one can't add some acid to the mix,
>>Oxalic or citric say, to give an increase in printing
>>speed? You could have a non-smelling acidic mix then..