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Re: Gum over Platinum print

Hi Cor,

I like it. It captures a bright, happy spring day really nicely. Turkey is a beautiful place. I wish more people from the list would come and see us more often.

Best Wishes

David H (Kaya Koy, Fethiye)

On Sep 29 2008, C.Breukel@lumc.nl wrote:

Since the list is in a image sharing mode (which is great, I love to see the work of others!) I would like to share a first result (it is still work in progress) of my regretfully infrequent alt printing adventures:

You can find it at: http://home.casema.nl/cordieuwke/GumOverPlatinum.html

The details, for those interested:

I started out with a Kodak Infrared negative (35mm). It was made during our trip in May to Turkey. This one is from the wonderfull area of Cappadocia, near the town Neveshir (Judy: the girl running towards me on the image is my daughter, one of the twins..).

I made enlarged negatives from it by revearsal a la Liam Lawless (I still work completely analogue..perhaps I am as we say in dutch "De laatste der Mohikanen"..leave the translation to you..;-).... I made several negatives with different Dmax densities by altering the flash time.

My idea was to print a high contrast image with platinum, and than fill in with gum to lower the contrast and to add colour (with a low contrast negative).

The paper I used is Canson Fonteney, smooth side, pre-shrunk but not sized (I hate sizing, and I know that this paper can take a few gum layers without staining).

Only one gum coat is there: a weak Burnt Sienna.

And know I have to think what next, keep it as such, or add some other colour (I am primairly a B&W person, scored a meager 37 on the colour IQ test..;-)..)

Still have a few high contrast PT prints that need filling in, I am thinking about yellow..

