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Re: oil on aluminum

"rigid surface", as opposed to a piece of paper that shifts and moves
around when I'm trying to ink.  The works are rather large and my
thought was that the aluminum would be easier.  After some initial
signs that this might be a fruitful exercise, I'm now running into
many problems using gesso-coated aluminum.  I think it may have been
hasty for me to attempt to make aluminum oilprints without ever having
made one on paper.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:04 AM, henk thijs <henk.thijs@hetnet.nl> wrote:
> Just a question :
> Keith, what do you mean by 'rigid surface' ?
> With erasing i had problems when not doing it immediately; after some time
> it looks like the matrix was 'burned in the aluminium'.
> cheers,
> Henk
> On 7 okt 2008, at 23:40, Gordon J Holtslander wrote:
> Keith
> I'm interested in learning more about your oil on aluminum technique
> Gord
> On Monday 06 October 2008 8:12:14 am Keith Gerling wrote:
>> I am attempting to print some large oilprints on aluminum. For me,
>> the rigid surface makes the oiling process far easier. Mistakes can
>> be "erased" with mineral spirits.
> --
> Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology
> gordon.holtslander@usask.ca University of Saskatchewan
> tel 306 966-4433 112 Science Place
> fax 306 966-4461 Saskatoon, SK
> homepage.usask.ca/gjh289 Canada S7N 5E2