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Re: Celebrate

Oops again Bob . . and I shant comment further myself for to disagree is to invite further comment and we are a shared group of
common interests regarding the marvelous world of historical photographic processes, of which you are a technically talented
practitioner. I too grew up during WWII though I'd think you're a wee bit older. Perhaps being a San Franciscan and having lived an alternative life one could consider me a full blown flower child pursuing life with a loose lariat so as to allow liberty to pursue happiness.
 Suzuki Roshi, whom I once had dinner with, said that life is like stepping into a boat that about to set out to sea  . . .  and sink. Well, creativity
is something I embrace and believe in during crisis. The Inuit set to sea in waters frigid where death comes in half a minute if you fall in. They pursue walruses in their 9 or 10 or 14 man umiak (which means woman's boat), an open 30' boat. When some are sighted on a floe, the Inuit come in close and shoot one. The other walruses are angered and plunge into the water to give chase and when neath the umiak turn to rake their tusks and rip the bottom from the boat. When underneath though the Inuit shoot many times, killing a second walrus but now the umiak is riddled with holes which they immediately plug with whale blubber pieces they've tied to the gunwales. In times of crisis creativity is the savior. None are taxed. Our ship of state is presently at sea but my present hope is there will be no need for blubbering.
Long live the blueprint for a better life.
Jack Fulton

On Nov 5, 2008, at 9:47 PM, Robert W. Schramm wrote:


Consider Obama's remarks. i.e "share the wealth." This is communisim. He has said he wants to tax coal fired
energy production to the point where it will be bankrupt. 50% percent of the nations energy production comes from coal today.  He wants national health insurance (socialism). He wants to increase death taxes so that you cannot
give your children an inheritance.  Those who are creative, talented, productive, inventive and contribute the most to
society will be taxed excessivelly until their incentive is squashed. He wants to do away with the first and second ammendmants. (as did Adolph Hitler and numerous other dictators)

I grew up during WWII and heard the words of Aldoph Hitler. Since then I have listened to the words of
many "benevolent dictators"  like Joseph Stalin and others. It's all too familiar.

Those who have not learned from history are doomed to repeat it. 

I am too old to be worried about what our country will become and too old to argue with anyone about this but I am concerned for my children who are talented and will have to live in the world that Obama has created so I
am compelled to say what I believe.

I would think that everyone on this list would be concerned, since creativity can only flourish in a free
society. There is no incentive to excel under communism and socalism.

The pilgrams tried communism and it didn't work, the USSR tried communism and it didn't work.  It has
never worked wherever it was tried. In every case, people suffered. Communist China has now figured
out how to make use of capitolistic ideas in order to prosper.

I am sorry to introduce political comments to the list, but I didn't start it. I won't reply to any further comments on this matter. At this point we are still all free to believe what we want. I wonder how much longer that will
be true.

Bob Schramm

Check out my web page at: http://www.SchrammStudio.com 

Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 20:26:31 -0800
From: jefulton1@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Celebrate
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca

Bob, what do you mean?
On Nov 5, 2008, at 6:46 PM, Robert W. Schramm wrote:

There is and old saying, "Be careful what you wish for---you might just get it."

And that's all I have to say about that comrades.

Bob Schramm

Check out my web page at: http://www.SchrammStudio.com 

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