RE: Inkjet negs, change of media.
Hi Eric I usually use OHP film but want to try a transclucent parchment paper for larger images. I assumed that as the paper negative material is an even density it probably just needs more exposure with OHP curve. J -----Original Message----- From: EJN Photo [] Sent: 11 November 2008 17:42 To: Subject: RE: Inkjet negs, change of media. Changing from what to what? I'd expect a change that would be more than just an exposure difference. Eric Neilsen Photo 4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9 Dallas, TX 75226 214 827-8301 SKype ejprinter -----Original Message----- From: John Brewer [] Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 10:53 AM To: Alt list Subject: Inkjet negs, change of media. Hi all When changing media for inkjet I assume only the exposure time will change, I won't need to recalibrate curves. Is this correct? Thanks John.