Re: 2 tricolor gums
Hey Keith, First, thanks for making your files smaller. My vote goes for the one on the left (the one that's less monochromatic yellow-- at least on my screen). I love these, especially that one on the left-- and like both much more than the original shot-- though there's nothing wrong with that one, either-- just a little too clear and too sharp. :) Diana On Nov 19, 2008, at 12:01 PM, Keith Gerling wrote: Here are two recent gumphotos on gessoed aluminum using non-oiled paper negatives. I made these two pictures at the same time using the same emulsions and exposure times. The only difference is that the gesso/pumice mix for the aluminum substrate was was made at different times. I guess this shows that consistency is important. The layers were applied yellow, magenta, cyan, using a muted pallete (too muted - I'll make the second round more colorful). The gesso for the 2nd print was more absorbent, causing the development time to triple. The red layer just did not seem to want to clear. This experiment has been very frustrating. These are actually the 8th and 9th attempts. With the first attempts, using curves (two sets: one was very similar to the straight lines provided early this week by Chris, the other more curvey that I came up with using PDN) the right leg of the dancer totally disappeared. On these attempts, using no curves, the leg is at least visible) For the record, here is the original shot. I would like for the gum to be identical. It looks like I have quite a ways to go!