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Re: UV exposure unit and sunlight vs. artificial light


The Amergraph is a great option. You can also get an option for contact printing gelatin silver. If it is too pricey there are other options.

I would certainly want something with a vacuum frame.

For info, check out Sandy King's aetcle on Ed Buffalo's Unblinking Eye web site or his chapter in Dick Arentz's second edition of The Platinum & Palladium Print.

Mark Nelson

www.PrecisionDigitalNegatives.com, PDNPrint Forum @ Yahoo Groups, www.MarkINelsonPhoto.com

On Dec 14, 2008, at 1:10 PM, francis schanberger <frangst@gmail.com> wrote:

I have been charged with acquiring a new UV exposure unit for my school because of an impending move early summer. basically the university where I teach is moving us from an old but fully functional building, where we have ground floor studios and classrooms to a 4th floor location. Because its a multiuse building and we can't use the stairs without tripping a fire alarm, alt process exposures will be more easily done inside. Basically the students and faculty will be using two elevators to get in and out of the building.

The only exposure units I have used have been the black light tubes (BBL?) and a NuArc 261K.

Judy, was this addressed in Post Factory? I may have misplace one issue.

Any suggestions for a starting point?

Is there a discussion in the archives of the differences in prints caused by printing with different sources of UV? Putting repeatable time issues aside, does anyone favor artificial light like the NuArc over sunlight or sunlight over the black light tube boxes? Why?

What processes and light sources work well together?
