Re: UV exposure unit and sunlight vs. artificial light
Francis, The Amergraph is a great option. You can also get an option for contact printing gelatin silver. If it is too pricey there are other options. I would certainly want something with a vacuum frame. For info, check out Sandy King's aetcle on Ed Buffalo's Unblinking Eye web site or his chapter in Dick Arentz's second edition of The Platinum & Palladium Print. Mark Nelson, PDNPrint Forum @ Yahoo Groups, On Dec 14, 2008, at 1:10 PM, francis schanberger <> wrote: I have been charged with acquiring a new UV exposure unit for my school because of an impending move early summer. basically the university where I teach is moving us from an old but fully functional building, where we have ground floor studios and classrooms to a 4th floor location. Because its a multiuse building and we can't use the stairs without tripping a fire alarm, alt process exposures will be more easily done inside. Basically the students and faculty will be using two elevators to get in and out of the building.