Re: alt-photo anniversary in 2009
Hi Ric, I remember Arnold Gassan from the history of photography list, which had a wonderful spell some years ago... Is it still going? I also have at least one of Gassan's books, which is wonderful as well... but I definitely disagree about discussing why we do this and the meaning of it all... That way lies madness, not to mention fist fights .... If we could define it, why go to the infinite, maddening trouble of doing it? (Not to mention that we could end up hating our best friends or anyway telling them how stupid they are -- or did I say that already?) cheers, Judy On Sun, 14 Dec 2008, ric kb wrote: Judy, You are the only contestant. 'The quote is from Arnold Gassan. About Arnold Gassan: small section at Eastman house here: his words on his cancer here a side note from Cone (the digital print guy) here: --- On Sat, 12/13/08, Judy Seigel <> wrote: I came across this question-- don'trecall the answer, but do have a slightly different answer, that is, someone not on the list, but an authority on analong, now using digital....> <quote>Hi! There has been a bit of discussion about what to doand how to do it in terms of photographic mechanics, and since the mechanics of photography never seem to really change (it's the same-old-same-old as I read the daily digests, re-solving the problems everyone was having 30+ years ago, with a spicing of digitalization). What I don't see almost anyone writing about are (to me) the much more interesting problems of meaning, how we do what we do with the camera, why we do it, what we are trying to send out to others, little things like that.