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Re: News Regarding Centennial POP

Title: Re: News Regarding Centennial POP
on 1/27/09 11:52 AM, Ron Flory at RFlory@mulkeyinc.com wrote:

Disheartening: Taken from the Chicago Albumen Works siteŠ

³Despite assurances from a year ago, we regret to report that Harman Technology (the company that bought and shut down the Kentmere production facility in December, 2007) has informed us that they will not be able to produce Centennial printing-out paper.  Unfortunately, in the current economic climate, the cost of procuring the Centennial POP formula and the R&D required to bring it to market through another manufacturer prohibits us from attempting to re-establish this product.  

To our knowledge, there is no POP being manufactured today.  Introduced in Munich in 1884, it has been one of the most long-lived printing products in the history of photography.

We thank you for supporting our efforts to maintain POP over the last 2 decades, and we are sorry that Centennial will no longer be available to you. ³

Chicago Albumen Works

I got an email from Harman, indicating that they could not produce a reliable paper and meet current environmental regulations, and had to terminate their efforts, something they clearly did not want to do.

Maybe they could sell us  the uncoated paper and this could become a DIY proposition?

Gordon Cooper
Bremerton, WA