Home-made POP (was: Astronomy Pinhole Picture of the Day)
- To: "alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca" <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
- Subject: Home-made POP (was: Astronomy Pinhole Picture of the Day)
- From: Vedos <vedos@samk.fi>
- Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 17:39:56 +0200
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- Thread-topic: Home-made POP (was: Astronomy Pinhole Picture of the Day)
Yes it's fun, and you need verrry contrasty negatives (the process records each and every step of Stouffer 21-step!!). But the beautiful printing-out image tends to fade badly in the fixer, unless you use a toner. Maybe a weak toner, then a weak fixer, a weak toner again, and so on... carefully. You can also add some silver nitrate solution onto the paper to make it faster and deepen the "blacks". And, of course, the paper can be thoroughly fixed and washed *before* the exposure, to remove the silver, and then treated like a salted paper, to make "salted POP".
Here are some of my experiments with outdated papers (POP & lumen):
Alternative Processes in Photography & Printmaking
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Business and Culture Kankaanpää
Paasikivenkatu 24, Box 76
FI-38701 Kankaanpää
Lähettäjä: Christina Z. Anderson [zphoto@montana.net]
Lähetetty: 28. tammikuuta 2009 16:45
Vastaanottaja: Alt List
Aihe: Re: Astronomy Pinhole Picture of the Day
VERy cool picture.
I teach this process--making BW paper POP or printing out paper--in my Experimental Photography class every fall. Until you do it, it seems impossible. I have them do photograms outside, laying stuff on top of the paper under glass, juicy stuff, too, because chemical reactions will produce all kinds of different colors. It is a cinch to do. A 4 or 5 hour exposure under direct Montana sun produces brilliant pinks, oranges, yellows, mauves, browns, you name it. Into the fixer when done--no need to worry about taking it out of the contact frame and walking to the darkroom with full exposure sunlight because it is very slow this way since no development occurs. Fun stuff. BUT I have never exposed it in the camera before.
Nice to see Justin Quenell still doing pinhole, too, as I show his work in slides in that class.
Christina Z. Anderson