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RE: Chlorophyll Prints

I have played with creating Chlorophyll Prints using an ivy leaf (that I had just picked), a transparency "negative"(printed on my photo printer on overhead projector film) and the sun.  On a very nice summer day, I laid out the leaf covered by the transparency and a piece of Plexiglas (to hold it in place). Note that this warped the Plexiglas, so I recommend glass?? I just kept watching it to see if it looked "done".  One day it took 20 minutes, another day it took 3 - 4 minutes.

This has the opposite effect of what Binh Dahn does. Preservation: Binh seals them in resin – about 2 -3 inches thick (from what I have seen), which is a big part of his presentation (preserving a moment in time).

1)      I just let a couple dry – I liked this effect the best – though they will be very brittle at some point

2)      I put a couple in archival transparent sleeves not realizing that they still contained some moisture and they got moldy – eek!

3)      It seems like you could float them in a frame and seal the frame (once they are perfectly dry)


I say – just play on your next sunny day.


Here are a couple of examples – my preference is the second one where I essentially did a Photogram with a some weeds laying on the leaf.








From: Aaron Schramm [mailto:acschramm@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:46 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Chlorophyll Prints


Leaf scanner? Is that like a leaf back? :P

That technique posted really intrigues me... I would like to try contact printing on a larger leaf. There has got to be a way to fix the iodized image right? Perhaps drying then varnishing? 

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 2:23 PM, ender100 <ender100@aol.com> wrote:

You could do this process, then scan the results with a Leaf Scanner.


On Feb 12, 2009, at 8:30:15 PM, "Jacek Gonsalves" <jacek@jagnight.com> wrote:



"Jacek Gonsalves" <jacek@jagnight.com>


Re: Chlorophyll Prints


February 12, 2009 8:30:15 PM CST



Found this:

Quoting rhobbs3@aol.com:

> I believe he contact prints to a still living leaf. The part of the 
> leaf that gets sun stays green, the rest becomes pale. It can also 
> be done large scale to a lawn.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Koch-Schulte <mkochsch@shaw.ca>
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Sent: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 8:51 pm
> Subject: Chlorophyll Prints
> I was just looking at Binh Danh's Dag's 
> (http://www.hainesgallery.com/artists/Danh_Binh/Danh_01.html) and 
> noticed he's doing Chlorophyll Prints. First I've heard of them. 
> What are they? (can hardly wait for the debate on which medium 
> (read: leaf) give the best contrast range). :)?
> ~m?
> ?