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VS: UV exposure unit survey

Our school has two vacuum frames, one about 110x150 cm (43"x59") and the other one about 80x120 cm (32"x47")(measures from memory), but we only have one uv exposure unit (an old Eiri made in Finland), made for screen printing but works beautifully in alt-photo processes too. We can use the exposure unit with either of the frames, but not with both at the same time.

Here is a picture of the smaller frame, max 10 students can expose their 8x10 prints at the same time, even more with the bigger one...


- Jalo

Alternative Processes in Photography & Printmaking
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Business and Culture Kankaanpää
Paasikivenkatu 24, Box 76
FI-38701 Kankaanpää

Lähettäjä: francis schanberger [frangst@gmail.com]
Lähetetty: 26. helmikuuta 2009 19:49
Vastaanottaja: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Aihe: UV exposure unit survey

I apologize for asking the same question with new wording over and over again...

What are schools using if they aren't fabricating their own UV exposure units from scratch? I have been postponing making a decision on a exposure unit for the photo area at the University of Dayton. The NuArc First light is in our price range.

From the looks of it we won't be able to use split back printing frames. How do you check exposure and still retain registration with a vacuum frame unit?

francis schanberger
