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Re: OT: Photoshop CS4 upgrade overpriced

I did just upgrade from Creative Suite CS to CS4 and am reasonably pleased with it. A couple of years ago I hated Photoshop CS2 so much that I went back to CS, skipped CS3, and wouldn't have bothered with CS4, except that I wanted InDesign CS4 for a large book project.  

That said, I did install PS CS4 and like some of the features enough to keep using it. My favorite new "feature" is being able to see an image displaying properly at magnifications other than 25%, 50%, and 100%. Previously an image would look slightly bitmapped at percentages like 33% and 66%-- which I frequently work in-- often making it hard to judge what I was doing. Now it looks fine at, say, 43% or Fit in Window, or whatever. 

Would I spend $600 for that? No way. But I'm taking classes at our local community college, which qualified me for a student discount and improved the cost significantly. 

That said, they'll probably come out with CS5 any day now... and you can upgrade to that instead. ;-)

On Mar 8, 2009, at 5:30 AM, Greg Schmitz wrote:

I have Adobe Photoshop CS3 Creative Design Premium and can't decide if I should upgrade to CS4.  It seems to me that Adobe's asking price of $600 for an upgrade is "over the top."  Will I get $600 worth of improvement if I upgrade to CS4?  I'd be interested in  hearing from those of you that have upgraded to CS4 if you think the upgrade was worth the money.  $600 is 2-weeks of work for me and I am loath to give it to some Silicon Valley wonk so that he/she can continue to drive their Porsche or BMW whenever they want to.
