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RE: Using NA2 in Pd prints

Hi Paul,


Perhaps it helps if you would translate 2.5% NA2 2 drops to say 2.5% sugar in 200ml of water so that is 5 gram of sugar in it..


So equally a drop 5% would mean 5% sugar in 100 ml means than also 5 grams sugar total


Hope this helps in the future..;-)..






From: Paul Viapiano [mailto:viapiano@pacbell.net]
Sent: woensdag 18 maart 2009 19:27
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Using NA2 in Pd prints


Hi everyone...


I've been using pure palladium in my prints with digi-negs up til now, but am wondering if someone could just dbl-check and confirm something for me.


Do two drops of 2.5% NA2 equal 1 drop of 5% NA2...as far as concentration goes.


I mean, it's pretty basic chemistry, and I'm embarassed to ask, but before I blow it I want to do an idiot check...


Best to you all...love the conversations here lately.

