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Re: BL light box 'blues'

Pyro negs, as well as Tmax 100 film, do not work for UV processes...the other problem I had with this mysterious long exposure thingy with students was UV blocking glass in the contact frames. Third, in the winter with really low humidity I find that my exposure time is affected. But with BL bulbs even with my longest exposure with 1A:1B it is 24 minutes; 2A:1B is half that. Longest exposure, on Fabriano AEW paper which hates cyano...
PS SO fun being in Dallas and had dinner with Eric Neilsen, Melody Bostick, and Tillman Crane--Jeremy Moore where were you?????? We had FUN shootin' the breeze about photo!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Sinclair" <photo1@telusplanet.net>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 3:48 PM
Subject: BL light box 'blues'

Have recently decided to intensify my interest in non-silver, I constructed my
new UV light-box using 10 BL tubes presently 5 inches above my printing frame.

So that I could use the same negatives for both silver-gelatin, Cyanos and VDB
I switched to Pyrocat as a developer... and I must admit, they do look "sweet".

A few years ago my southern Alberta summer sunlight exposures for Cyanos were
running around the eight minute mark... which expanded to around two and a half
hours in the rather weak December sun.

The exposure times I expected using the new 24" BL tubes are nowhere as short as I had
hoped... Cyanotypes seem to be requiring around 40 to 50 minutes while I have not
yet reached the 'end-point' for acceptable VDB exposures, it seems as if 60 -70 minutes
might be the absolute minimum.

I do not have a stouffer wedge to assist reaching my standard exposure times, my patience is
wearing (as my frustration level rises).

I have just put a VDB out on the deck to enjoy some natural UV rays from the sun
for a time comparison...

Are my BL light-box test exposure times "out of line" with times experienced by others?


Quando omni flunkus moritati (R. Green)