U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: VDB


Hi Scott


I did a series of images a couple of years ago and didn’t fix but obviously did wash very well. The VDB will eat into the cyanotype, but that’s why you’re doing it, for the effect, right? Make sure you well overexpose the cyanotype layer or it will fade to a wishy washy blue or even disappear.




From: Weber, Scott B [mailto:sweber@mail.barry.edu]
Sent: 08 April 2009 00:03
To: 'alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca'
Subject: VDB


I have been making cyanotypes and have tried putting a layer of Van Dyke over and really like the result. Question; do I need to fix the VDB layer with hypo. This seems to bleach out the cyan layer a bit. Or is there some other cause?


Scott B. Weber

Associate Professor of Photography

Department of Fine Arts

Barry University

Miami Shores, Florida

305 899 4922



  • References:
    • VDB
      • From: "Weber, Scott B" <sweber@mail.barry.edu>