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Re: josef sudek

On Wed, 8 Apr 2009, etienne garbaux wrote:

Sudek (who is one of my very favorite photographers) did make carbro prints. I believe he also made some straight carbon prints from 5x7 and smaller negatives. The virtue of carbro is that it can produce an enlarged carbon (or generically, pigment) print with familiar darkroom procedures (as opposed to enlarged internegatives, which are more of a hassle). Personally, I do not find most carbro prints up to the standard of "real" carbon prints made from in-camera negatives, but then the two processes aren't really aimed at the same negative-producers, so it's usually an apples-to-oranges comparison. And some stunning three- and four-color carbros were made back in the day, when it was one of the first available high-quality color printing processes.

Some years ago there was a show somewhere uptown in NYC of those carbros (most were carbros).... I mention it here because,

1. They were among the most beautiful prints I'd ever seen -- that is, the prints themselves, and

2. The woman who'd curated the show, who was present at what may have been the opening, didn't have a clue what the process was.



  • References:
    • josef sudek
      • From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>
    • Re: josef sudek
      • From: etienne garbaux <photographeur@nerdshack.com>