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Re: muddy gum print--help?

I found that printing magenta after yellow helped a lot in improving the
overall look of a print. The yellow seemed to veil the print if printed
last, even though there wasn't a noticeable yellow cast.

Best wishes


On 12/4/09 20:32, "Charles Ryberg" <cryberg@comcast.net> wrote:

> Folks:
> Thanks for your help.  I'll reprint Monday (as I mentioned yesterday I
> stupidly ruined the example I posted).
> Does the order of printing matter?  The example was Cyan, Magenta, Yellow.
> I can't size--asthma keeps me away from VOC's and my urban loft provides no
> back yard or garage with fan.
> I use Fabriano Artistico Hot Pressed--it seems to stain less than Arches.
> My Lukas Process Magenta (PG2) does stain, though not as much as some of
> the other magenta/reds I have tried. My Daniel Smith Hansa Yellow Medium
> (PY3) stains too.  The Daniel Smith French Ultramarine (PB29) stains very
> little.
> I did a curve for each pigment at a concentration which seemed to me to be
> the most pigment I could use.  Prints made with those concentrations and
> curves were even worse than the one I posted.  Trial and error led me to
> pigment concentrations of about 70% of maximum and exposure time of about
> 80% of what I had determined ³scientifically.²  I suppose I could post the
> curves if you think it would be helpful. I use potassium dichromate on the
> cyan and magenta, ammonium on the yellow due to excessively long times with
> yellow and potassium.
> Exposure is BL tubes.  Timer is GraLab.  Registration pins by  Pro Art
> (that's supposed to be a joke).
> Any help before I reprint (a better magenta?   a different printing order?)
> would be welcomed.
> Any help after I reprint, of course will be also welcomed.
> Charles  Portland, Oregon