Re: outdoor gum demo
Hi Keith, "morning" that's the key word, thanks for reminding. Before
10:00 and after 15:00 (3pm) there's very little UV in direct sunlight
(compared to peak hours) and shade (seeing little sky) also is a very good
protector since UV light doesn't scatter much (unless there are very white
- snow, titanium white painted something... - or bare metal surfaces -
especially aluminum - around).
Letting exposed paper for days -> that's very interesting for sure. I bet
they were in pretty dry conditions, how was Chicago's weather lately?
Thanks for your participation (very informative as always).
15 Nisan 2009, Çarşamba, 11:01 pm tarihinde, Keith Gerling yazmış:
> Everything Loris says in that last paragraph is true, and we've all been
> in
> that kind of situation.
> However
> 1) When I was making large pictures, I was very cramped in my basement
> quarters and took the coating and developing procedure outside (I brought
> the prints inside to expose). I always did this in the morning, when the
> working area was shaded by my house. No problem with drying the coated
> prints on a clothesline. This was done on sunny summer days, but in the
> shade. (Bugs, birds, cats and dogs were a MAJOR hassle, though)
> 2) Recently, I was going thru a stack of plywood prints with the chore of
> re-coating rejects with gesso and I found print that had been coated and
> exposed several days (4-5?) prior. I put it into the water with the
> notion
> that I would flush out the dichromate and have a useless print only suited
> for re-cycling. It developed fine. No "dark hardening" whatsoever. Keep
> in mind that it was in a even stack of other pictures, and not exposed to
> a
> lot of air, but certainly time alone did not cause this gum to harden.
> If it were my project, I'd skip the tent, stay in the shade and try to
> keep
> the drying prints especially well shaded and stack them up until they were
> ready for exposure.
> Keith
> 2009/4/15 Loris Medici <>
>> Hi Laura, AFAIK dark reaction won't let the pre-coated paper last for
>> more
>> than a couple of hours w/o negative effects (such as fogging, or even
>> completely hardening...) that's so true when it's hot and humid. You
>> have
>> to store the pre-coated papers in desert dry conditions to have a chance
>> -
>> and I can't tell something about that since I use coated paper pretty
>> quickly.
>> I would try to find a yellow tent and to put the coated papers under
>> shade
>> (a box with an opening at the side, opening facing opposite side of
>> tent's
>> entrance) until they're enough dry to print or I would blow dry prints
>> with a hairdryer quickly (always in a yellow tent!)...
>> But, one thing that would bother me in a similar position would be the
>> fact that in demonstrations, the more you're out of your standard
>> procedure, the more you risk to fall in a ridiculous / awkward
>> situation...
>> Regards,
>> Loris.
>> 15 Nisan 2009, Çarşamba, 10:08 pm tarihinde, Laura V yazmış:
>> > Our graphic association is taking part in an arts festival in May. We
>> > will be working outdoors in various processes, and I got the bright
>> (or
>> > dumb) idea to make gum prints in a tent, exposing them to sunlight.
>> Has
>> > anyone ever tried anything like this? Is a tent light-fast enough for
>> > this? I was thinking I could have sheets of paper already coated in
>> > gum/pigment mixture and stored in a light-fast box to save having to
>> > allow them to dry while nobody is allowed to leave the tent! How long
>> > can you leave coated sheets before exposing? Can I do this the day
>> before?
>> >
>> > Any tips appreciated. Thanks!
>> >
>> > Laura
>> >