U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Yellow tents and UV (was: outdoor gum demo)

Re: Yellow tents and UV (was: outdoor gum demo)

Which process is that and what was the exposure time? I did notice a
difference (albeit not linear as I first predicted - have to work on this)
with traditional cyanotypes. Maybe it's because at fast printing times it
could be harder to notice any difference and/or self masking plays a
significant role... ???

Anyway, I'm ready to eat my assertion (and go to the corner on one leg) if
someone comes up with an quantitative explanation to why giving the same
source (the sun) UVA intensity remains the same whereas other types of
irradiation seems to change intensity.


22 Nisan 2009, Çarşamba, 5:36 am tarihinde, Paul Viapiano yazmış:
> Remember when we were talking a little bit re: this on the Hybrid forum?
> So far, I've noticed no change in exposure times from UV Index 4 through
> UV
> index 9 when exposing via the sun...
> Paul