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RE: Gum over Cyanotypes

I soak my papers (FA traditional or extra white) in warm water for about an hour. Move the papers around during the soak. My definition of warm is to stick my hand and feel the temperature. If it feels cold it is too cold. If it feels like taking the bath it is warm. Never had any issues with multiple gum registration from layer 1 to 10.
In the begining I tried a very hot water soak following the adivice from the list, but found it unnecessary.
> Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 20:05:49 +0300
> From: mail@loris.medici.name
> Subject: Re: Gum over Cyanotypes
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> OK, thanks much, will keep that in mind for the next batch. What is the
> recommended max. temperature and nominal time for doing it right?
> Regards,
> Loris.
> 28 Nisan 2009, Salı, 7:33 pm tarihinde, davidhatton@totalise.co.uk yazmış:
> >
> > Hi Loris,
> > PS.
> > The paper should be soaked in fairly hot paper to allow the fibres to
> > move one against the other and shrink fully. OR you could soak in room
> > temp water for 12 hours or so
> > David

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