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Re: to APIS or not to APIS

Hey Francis,
I haven't missed an APIS since I started going in 99.  It is worth going for meeting the people there.  I have met many alt friends/associates through that venue.  I couldn't even list all their names, listees from here. Richard and Melody are wonderfully hospitable.
Where else can you go and hear heated arguments about carbon or platinum?  Who else gives a rip about this kind of stuff?  Altees are an odd lot when you get right down to it, so you get to feel normal for once in this group!
Please wear your cyanotype leaf lab coat when you present at the 5 in 5--5 prints in 5 minutes.
Where else can you sit at a dinner table with two kings--Sandy and Terry?  That was probably the oddest meal I had there.  I've got some pix to prove it.
One fun happening was meeting William Crawford of Keepers of Light fame who I thought was sure either crusty or dead by then and he was alive and young. With a great sense of humor.
Santa Fe, of course, sweetens the deal.  There are great galleries in that city. A ticket to Albuquerque is not expensive and for some reason, renting a car in Albuquerque is cheaper than dirt in the summer.  The hour drive to Santa Fe is quite easy.
The hotels in Santa Fe, however, are not cheap. Try Sage Inn, close to downtown.
Be sure when exploring the area with your view camera or whatnot that you bring sunscreen, lots of water, and do not back up and step off an edge in the mountains as Art Chakalis did and ruined the next 6 months of his life with surgeries to his leg...we photographers get too carried away at the beauty of the place. OH, and take a friend into these extreme places like he didn't or you'll have to walk out on a broken leg like he did--for two hours.
Unfortunately I say all this and yet I cannot attend this year because the dates of APIS are so late in July this time that it conflicts with a MOPA workshop I am doing.  What's even more distressing than missing my first APIS since 99 is that I applied for a GRANT to go to APIS and GOT it (I am a LOUSY grant writer and never get them), and now have to return the money...
PS You just HAVE to go to that little French cafe off the square and get their Torte Milanaise for breakfast washed down with a cafe au lait.  Can't remember the name of the place.
PPS does this convince you enough?? Good food, good wine, good friends, good info
Christina Z. Anderson
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 6:50 AM
Subject: to APIS or not to APIS

I never have attended an APIS conference. Imagine a situation where you are sitting down with a fervent alternative processes practitioner and wanted to convince them to go to Santa Fe in late July for APIS. What would you tell them?

francis schanberger
