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RE: to APIS or not to APIS

Hi Francis,


I would attend every APIS if airfare from my home town wasn’t so expensive. If you can attend, do so. I do wish the conference would return to St. James college. I enjoyed the ambiance and collegial atmosphere. Lots of great prints and people to see and greet. And Santa Fe along with New Mexico is a great backdrop to the event.


Don Bryant


From: francis schanberger [mailto:frangst@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 8:51 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: to APIS or not to APIS


I never have attended an APIS conference. Imagine a situation where you are sitting down with a fervent alternative processes practitioner and wanted to convince them to go to Santa Fe in late July for APIS. What would you tell them?

francis schanberger
