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Re: Quadtone RIP

RIP = Rest In Peace? hehehehehe

Actually your Epson printer driver is a RIP.
On May 19, 2009, at 4:15:01 PM, "Judy Seigel" <jseigel@panix.com> wrote:

From:"Judy Seigel" <jseigel@panix.com>
Subject:Re: Quadtone RIP
Date:May 19, 2009 4:15:01 PM CDT

On Mon, 18 May 2009, Loris Medici wrote:

> You're welcome. BTW, RIP is the acronym for (R)aster (I)mage (P)rocessor
> -> see this if you like:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raster_image_processor
> Regards,
> Loris.

Loris, I went to that Wikipedia page, & read it, sort of -- tho a lot of 
it was over my head (I'm short.) I thought, however, that the RIP would be 
more necessary/useful for an image than for type ???
