If anyone finds themselves in Kyoto in June, wondering what to do, there are a couple of exhibitions of potential interest.
The Pinhole Photographic Arts Society of Japan (PPAS http://ppas.jp/) has its annual get together and has an exhibition at the AMS gallery from 6th – 11th June: http://www.amsnet.co.jp/ams_map.html
& I have an exhibition primarily of gum prints at the Shina gallery from 5th – 28th June: click the link at the bottom of my home page www.geoffgallery.net or directly here http://www.geoffgallery.net/shina%20DM.pdf for details.
Geoff Chaplin
ジェフ チャップリン
Skype: geoffchaplin1611
UK mobile (英国の携帯電話): +44(0) 7770 787069
Japan mobile (日本の携帯電話): +81(0) 90 6440 7037
Japan land line / fax (日本の電話とファクス): +81(0) 166 92 5855