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Re: making photo books - any recommendations?

Henk, the first thing "it" told me when I got to the website, was, in a tone of disdain, "you twit, you're using an older version of flash" (whatever "flash" is). I cringe... "But if you click *here* you can get the update." Normally I resist such persuasions, having already more than I feel I deserve with the "old" versions, and, truth to tell, my personal "disk" is full: If something new comes in, something old has to go out. But this is HENK'S book, I think: Do it right!

So I click, and am cast instantly into a bottomless pit of options, instructions, variations, non-explanations and complications, from murk to eternity. I pull out in panic, scramble back to dry land, and simply click on the images as they arrive... every one of them special. True, the "system" never does SHUT UP, nagging about the bad "old" flash it's got to put up with, but the scenes on the screen conquer all.

Because, even were I viewing through the bottom of a milk bottle, it's plain, event radiant, that the *pictures* are great -- as *pictures." I can't parse the fine points between the gum, the bromoil, or whatever, tho I take it on faith that they're there, but the "scenes" themselves are each a delight & I love them.

In fact, I think, despite Henk's mastery of every process on earth (and invention of various of his own), he translates "reality" into 2 dimensions, even in the tiny space & bad repro of a dumb "old" flash, so that it leaps into life as something "ordinary" we just never happened to see before -- more beautiful & satisfying than if he'd been to the ends of the earth and brought back a piece of the moon. (Tho I think he does that, too.)

