Photo-Alternative - Call for Entries
Photo-Alternative: The Past as Future Berea Arts Council, Berea KY, USA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND FORMS Call for Entries, Submission Deadline Monday, July 20, 2009 postmarked Description: This show will celebrate the personal and alternative point of view of artists honoring the past and future in photography. All themes will be considered. Entries for this show will include images made with toy cameras and alternative photographic processes. The a lternative images can be achieved digitally or by employing the actual cameras and old processes. We ask that you let us know if your entry is digital. Prizes will be awarded. Examples of processes include the following: Calotype, Albumen Print, Cyanotype, Kallitype, Platinum and/or Palladium Print, Gum Bichromate Print, Gumoil, Carbon Print, UltraStable, Carbro Print, Bromoil Print, Polaroid Transfer or Lifts, Polaroid SX-70 (Time Zero), Handcolored images, Tintypes/ Collodion. Alternative cameras or lenses include: Pinhole, Zone plate pinhole, H olga, Diana, Lensbaby, Photograms (images made without a camera), Scanners (scanography) PLEASE SHARE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT WITH OTHERS WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED. |