U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | FABRI-TAC


  • To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
  • Subject: FABRI-TAC
  • From: BOB KISS <bobkiss@caribsurf.com>
  • Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2009 15:06:16 -0400
  • Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
  • Delivered-to: alt-photo-process-l-archive@www.usask.ca
  • List-id: alt-photo-process mailing list <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
  • Reply-to: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
  • Thread-index: Acn6WToRegqSAkCqSkqoJe+B5R4M6gE27S8gAAA43yA=

            I just received a bottle of Beacon Adhesives™ Fabri-Tac™
permanent adhesive.  It claims “Acid and lignin free”.
            I would never use it for prints as I use either hinges or
corners and never anything permanent to hold a print behind a window matte. 
But I have always wondered what I might use in the same “framing
environment” (within the frame, under the glass, on the edges of the window
or back matte, etc) as a print that would neither leach nor outgas chems
that might affect the permanence of a print.  
            Do any of you know anything about this product?  Is it safe to
use in the framing environment of a print?
                        CHEERS FROM BARBADOS!