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Re: GIMP vs. CS4

  • To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
  • Subject: Re: GIMP vs. CS4
  • From: Barry Kleider <bkleider@sihope.com>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 09:41:09 -0500
  • Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
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Thank you Malin.

I'm also a "PhotoShopper" <and I did upgrade to CS4 -- but I got a deal that was not to be refused.>

Thanks for the advise on GIMP -- I asked the question because I'm writing a grant to do a school residency. And free software would sweeten the deal.

By the way, I recently started doing cyanotypes and your book has been very helpful!


Alternative Photography wrote:
Hi Barry
I used it a while back, when trying it out for making negatives.
For a "freebie" it's pretty good, though I am so used to Photoshop, know all the shortcuts, menues etc, so I do prefer Photoshop. But, as I said, the Gimp will do a lot of stuff that Photoshop does.
You can see by the tutorials what you can do:

Malin Fabbri
Editor, AlternativePhotography.com
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2009/3/14 Barry Kleider <bkleider@sihope.com>
With all the discussion about CS4 -- has anyone tried Gimp?

GIMP is the open source freebie available for free at


Just curious if anyone has reviewed it and what are the pros and cons.
