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Hi Jalo,

Thanks much, a treat. (Including the site...)

BTW, I checked the pigmented vandyke video. Nice too. A couple of

- Registration: I will pass an interpretation of Denise's negative
preparation method for silvergum process. She prints negatives exactly
sized according to the resulting s/g print for the gumover passes. I
mean maybe you can measure the print's exact size after applying and
drying the vandyke emulsion (paper will change dimensions) and print
the negative stretched exactly to that (measured) size. That way you
may not need to blur the toning image and end up with a sharper print.
In case you need a sharper print, that is... With time you'll know how
much (in percentage) the image change size (for both dimensions,
taking in account grain direction too) after coating the emulsion,
therefore drop the measurement step altogether! I haven't tried that
myself but sounds plausible -> will definitely do it this way if I
ever find time to play with pigmented pt/pd process...

- Contact printing frame: Nice contact printing frame there, kudos;
made me envious! ;)


2009/8/7 Vedos <vedos@samk.fi>
> We have got a few snapshots of APIS on our blog vedos.samk.fi. It was fun there...
> -Jalo
> \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> V E D O S
> Alternative Processes in Photography & Printmaking
> Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
> Faculty of Business and Culture Kankaanpää
> Paasikivenkatu 24, Box 76
> FI-38701 Kankaanpää
> vedos@samk.fi
> http://vedos.samk.fi
> http://www.samk.fi