I first met Peter @ Terry King's APIS w/my wife and daughter in, I think, 1996. He demoed his Tempraprint made of eggs and was a wonderful and delightful persona. I also believe that during that period or around it, his wife passed away. Pete, as he like to be called, accidentally walked off with a microphone I used w/my vid-cam for better sound. But somehow we contacted one another and he sent it on to me. We had headed south and it arrive when we were n Wells. It had a lovely apologetic note so I hooked it up and walked around Wells, which has a stunning cathedral and next to it is the oldest, as I understand it, street in Europe. Inside was a beautiful grand piano being played by an elderly gent with a rather young woman playing the violin alongside him. I placed the microphone close to them and recorded the whole thing . . . darned near had tears in my eyes . . . and then discovered that old Pete had taken the batteries from my microphone and nary a note was recorded. God love him. I'll never forget the lad. Jack F
On Sep 2, 2009, at 2:10 PM, D klinker wrote: It is with great sadness that i inform the list of the death of Peter Fredrick FRPS the author of Creative Sunprinting and the inventor of the Temperaprint Process.Peter was a tireless educator who had a great passion for photography,but he also had a great sense of fun and he was admired and respected by his many students. The Alternative Photographic process world in the UK is a much poorer place without him,God Bless you Pete. Dennis Klinker