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RE: HDR Resurrection

Looking past the flaws in an image based on are own personal bias of perfection or even acceptability is not an easy task. Many users of HDR are still learning and like many early users of something are eager to share their first successful forays into a new form of photography. I recently attended a show with ink jet prints hanging on the walls with one even just labeled, Black and White as if that alone means something. Several prints showed high levels of noise in the shadow areas and a few even had banding clearly visible to even these old eyes. It is clear that sometimes as we make a transition from one form of expression to another that our vision will sometimes go beyond our grasp and the flaws in technique can be seen. And at the same time, it is the viewer that is asked to get out of their comfort zone and our vision out paces their grasp.


As the world of new photo skills gets tackled and conquered by a few, they are there for many to play with, absorb, and ruminate over. How many bad images in many forms have we endured over the years simply because as a group we were learning new stuff. The proliferation of images will no doubt bring to the viewer greatly interpreted views with extreme tonal range, it will also bring many that fail to excite.


Enjoy the ride!




Eric Neilsen

Eric Neilsen Photography

4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9

Dallas, TX 75226



skype me with ejprinter


From: Don Bryant [mailto:donsbryant@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 11:06 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: HDR Resurrection


Just thought I would mention that the new Pentax K7 DSLR has built in HDR capture mode which will auto-magically blend three separate exposures to increase the dynamic range of the camera. The camera also has a Dynamic Range function to help with contrasty lighting. The K7 can also capture multiple exposures to a single image.


Many people seem to confuse HDR photography with Tone Mapping of multiple exposures of the same subject (or at the very least people seem to bastardize the term HDR). In the case of the Pentax K7 I would guess that the final image is saved as 16 bit image unlike the 32bit images that are generated with HDR software from multiple exposures.


So it would seem that with the introduction of the K7 HDR photography has been brought into the mainstream of photograph technique. How long till Nikon or Canon will do the same?


Personally I enjoy looking at over the top tone mapped images; a lot of those do fail to keep my attention for very long and many seem to suffer from the same technical flaws. But I will spend time looking through Flickr’s HDR collection to find the occasional jewel. I still think it’s a valid technique even when it stretches realistic renderings.


Don Bryant