U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: 3rd layer of gum

Re: 3rd layer of gum

On Tue, 6 Oct 2009, Paul Viapiano wrote:

Why does the 3rd layer of a gum print always develop so quickly, or is subject to washing off so much more quickly than the other layers, whether with sized paper or not...? (regardless of printing order, as well...and these are all the same exposure time, too)
If you're using 3 different negatives the 3rd layer isn't necessarily over "hardened gum," as Keith suggests, or not all of it. This isn't something I've noticed, but then my procedure is probably different anyway. However, it's possible that by the 3rd coating, drying, developing and drying again, the pores of the paper are more shrunken and smoothed, which would release the unexposed emulsion more quickly than previously.


This has happened on several tricolors I've done now...

