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Re: Miracle size for gum

Yes, Gamblin PVA Size can be used for multi-coat gums.
Sizing after the 2nd layer on that one, but also works great if you size before you begin exposing but after the preshrink, as in regular gelatin sizing procedure.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 6:29 AM
Subject: Re: Miracle size for gum

Can you use this PVA for doing multi-coat gums?
Mary Pat

On Oct 9, 2009, at 11:38 PM, Marek Matusz wrote:

A note on the bottle says "post plasticezed neutral pH ply vinyl alcohol). 
perhaps one can mix a PVA solution from polyvinylalcohol that can be bought. I suspect that there are other additives in the Gamblin product, but they might not be all that relevant to the gum sizing.
I also have to add it is so simple to just take some solution from the bottle, add water and brush it on paper, no additional chemicals, no mess.
> Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 23:48:02 +0300
> From: mail@loris.medici.name
> Subject: Re: Miracle size for gum
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Thanks for the report Marek. Unfortunately we don't have Gamblin
> products here in Turkey. Do you have any idea about the formula? I can
> find PVA but I'm not sure which one to buy and how much to use...
> Not directly related but just wanted to mention: For those who are
> interested in "casein", the miracle sizing is cheap acrylic gesso 1+4
> (or 1+5) with water.
> Regards,
> Loris.
> 2009/10/9 Marek Matusz <marekmatusz@hotmail.com>:
> >
> >  All,
> > A few weeks ago there was some discussion on PVA sizing and I decided to try
> > it for gum.
> > ...
> > The 1:2 turned out to be a miracle!
> > ...

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