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Re: exhibit

Roger . . . I've certainly appreciated the opportunity to have exhibited work in your lovely space but also wish to express my admiration for your delight of the medium in all expressive
forms and your willingness and interest to display it for others to view. You are a person of great generosity, like a flower one comes upon in the wilderness.
I raise a glass of fine California wine to your health.
Jack Fulton

Exhibit  170 years photography: the art of the photo archive
Historic overview of photographic techniques and processes from the daguerreotype to ink jet printing with original historic objects and contemporary alternative works by renown international artists from the collection Atelier pH7, plus a personal exhibit of the artistic work of half a century of  Roger Kockaerts, Belgian artist and visual media restorer.
From 5 to 27 November 2009 at Vrije Universiteit Brussel GalerY, Pleinlaan2, 1050 Brussels.

  • References:
    • exhibit
      • From: permadocument <info@permadocument.be>