Hi Gordon,
What i use are the products from:
- GraphicChemical Lithographic ink like Black, Cad Red, Burnt Sienna
etc. They come in cans, and the problem i have is to prevent the
stuff from drying;
- Intaglio Printmakers Litho, also in cans.
Besides that i use etching ink from Charbonnel and from FAUST (these
were great , but i did not succeed to contact them anymore, their
website is still online, so maybe i try again.)
The advantage is that the ink from both companies is coming in tubes.
When the consistency is to weak i add pure pigment to stiffen, the
extra bonus doing this comes with the fact that you can change color.
Sometimes , after a first inking , i prepare the ink myself with pure
pigment and Burnt Plate oil from Graphic Chemical.
Some time ago David Lewis had an own line of specific bromoil ink,
but in the moment he just produces only for his own purpose, on the
other hand, if he starts a new bunch i think he is willing to sell
Just try.
In the moment 11 of my oil prints can be seen at the OpenShutter
Gallery in Durango.
Hope this helps.
On 28 okt 2009, at 22:51, Gordon J Holtslander wrote:
I'm going to start working with oil printing again. I'm wondering
experience people have had with different inks?
Any suggestions?
I've been using a sample of ink from our printmaking dept, and
making ink from oil paint.