Thanks, Christian & Jim...
In a Camera Arts article, Karl mentions a more
contrasty positive but more washed looking out as well. I didn't get what he was
after there.
I experimented with my normal gum neg inversed to a
positive...but was wondering if anyone had a suggested DR.
It doesn't matter, I'll be testing
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 12:42
Subject: Re: Gumoil
Jim help me to get succes in this process. I am just thankfuf to
him. The choice of the paper is a great part of the succes , lana aquarelle
and Fabriano give great result. There is o pigment in your coat so
exposure will be shorter. and the exposre will be different as you
must use a contrastier negative(positive) compare to your gum negative
christian nze Give it a try, Paul, and see what happens! I don't
know the answer, so I am not trying to bait you ;) And I do not think that it
is 3:1....1 pt of gum, mixed 1:1 by vol, plus 2 pts gum mixed 1 pt gum(powder)
to 2 pts H20, plus 1 pt saturated Potassium Dich. This serves as a good
starting point, and is what I use. Depending on your results, you can coat
your surface, after it has dried, with a second coat. Your exposure is going
to be longer...4.5-5 under Black light or sun. Do a few test prints as it can
be very tricky!
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Paul Viapiano <> wrote:
I know that Karl Koenig uses a 3:1 gum/pot
dichromate ratio for printing the positive, but I was wondering if anything
would be amiss should I use my usual 1:1 (sans pigment, of course) since my
gum negs are tuned to that already and I have a known exposure
3:1 would make for a more contrasty gum
deposit, I would guess but I'd have to expose longer than my 1:1 mix,
Someone, maybe Katherine (?) had a rule of
thumb for exposure times with differing ratios/amounts of