U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | RE: speaking of printers...

RE: speaking of printers...

Keith, The tiger suggestion may be a good one in some respects, but the
"I've got to have the latest" hits you in the face. I know this is ALT
photo, but Adobe is not making Lightroom available for Tiger and if people
try and hold onto it, they may be in for a rough go. 

Sad when we work with printing ideas that have been around over a hundred
years, that many of the tools we are now using fail after a few years
because of planned obsolesce and ever changing technology.    

Eric Neilsen
Eric Neilsen Photography
4101 Commerce Street, Suite 9
Dallas, TX 75226
skype me with ejprinter
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Schreiber [mailto:keith@jkschreiber.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 3:20 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: speaking of printers...

Hi Chris,

A few comments, observations and questions:

First, I looked at the images linked to in your other post. The one  
on the left looks like what my 3800 would do printing a text document  
on plain paper using Photo black. The one on the right, using Matte  
black.  Which black do you have installed in the printer in question?  
I understand that the 2400, unlike the 3800, requires physically  
changing the cartridge to change black modes.

By "sprayer thingies" I think you mean nozzles. Are you saying that  
the same printer will produce good nozzle checks when printed from  
your PC, but not from your Mac? What happens if you run the nozzle  
check from the printer's control panel rather than from either computer?

I'm pretty sure head alignment and nozzle cleaning is strictly a  
printer issue and is independent of platform, though coincidence may  
seem to suggest otherwise.

According to chatter on a few digital groups that I follow, both Snow  
Leopard and CS4 have been quite buggy with Epson (and other) printer  
drivers, especially with regards to color management, so it seems  
wise to stay with Leopard (or Tiger) and CS3 if possible, at least  
until Apple, Adobe, and Epson learn to play well together.

I agree with other suggestions regarding QTR for making digital negs.  
Not that there is anything wrong with PDN but it does rely on the  
Epson driver which seems to be where the problems lie. The Mac  
version of QTR functions as a separate printer driver, bypassing the  
Epson driver.

Good luck solving your problem and I hope this helps at least a little.


On Nov 3, 2009, at 8:36 AM, Christina Anderson wrote:

> Wow,
> I had said to the list I was going all Mac.  Well, my 2400 printer  
> now doesn't work very well at all. Only some of the heads are  
> firing it seems.  I know it is not the printer, because it works  
> normally on other computers, and it works fine if I use Ultra photo  
> mode in Photoshop.  I uninstalled the old driver and installed the  
> downloaded new driver from the Epson site.  Anyone have any advice  
> on this or experience with similar inadequate printing? It wasn't  
> only the firing of the sprayer thingies (technical term) that was  
> the issue.  I had to realign the heads as well.  Many times.  So  
> caveat--if you are switching to the new Mac operating system be  
> prepared for a lot of time spent with the peripheral drivers...
> I also noticed that CS4 is a bit buggy with my 4990 scanner, too.
> Didn't realize making the permanent switch to Mac would take so  
> much time and dinkin' around. It has literally taken a week or more.
> Chris