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Learning the PDN Method

Is there any support available for learning the PDN method other than the
Yahoo group (PDNPrint Forum @ Yahoo Groups)? My husband purchased Version I
and Version II of PDN Curve Creator. He applied to join the Yahoo group and
the moderator did not approve his request for 30 days. Therefore, the
request was dropped. He has since made a new request, but that too is
sitting still as a request with no response. I would say he is going on 45
days with no access to assistance. He is doing the PDN method for a class
and cannot move forward with the project as he has some questions and has
run into problems.

My husband has emailed directly to Mark Nelson. His last request, which
asked for approval to join the Yahoo group, was returned as undeliverable
due to a FULL mailbox. Is there any way to get help with the process of
making digital negatives using the PDN method? I know a number of the
members of this group use the method. How did you learn about it or get your
questions answered? Is it absolutely necessary to take a face-to-face
workshop to learn this?

Thanks for your help,

Rene Hales