U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: New home for list needed.

Re: New home for list needed.

Title: Re: New home for list needed.

I’ve been a lurker and a very infrequent poster to this list.

As far as I’m concerned, if there isn’t another good option...  I will take up the banner and host/manage the list. It’s just too important to me and others here.

Gord, if you can tell me which list-server is being used, I can likely get the subscription list and re-establish it in parallel with this one... Can’t promise exactly when, but hopefully before this one goes away.  Also, I should be able to get an archive or digest at the least... And honestly, I’ve got my own archive of every message sent on this list going back at least 4 or 5 years, and selected messages going back... What... Maybe 8 or 9 years now?  (heh... Don’t ask... I got WAY behind on reading the messages when I was out of touch for a good part of 2000 or 2001, and started archiving them for and because of that... And the rule on my mail account that archives the copies has just rolled along since I set it up back then, even though I’ve long caught up with the list).

AGAIN, LET’S SEE IF THERE IS ANOTHER GOOD OPTION. I don’t have a LOT of time and finances to devote.... But I also cannot let it just go away.


On 11/10/09 12:43 PM, "Gordon J. Holtslander" <gjh@shaw.ca> wrote:

Hello all:

The University of Saskatchewan has eliminated my position.  I was layed
off this morning (Nov 10).

Because of this I will no longer be able to manage the
alt-photo-process-L@usask.ca mailing list.
I no longer have access to my University address:

If any wishes to contact me please use the address gjh@shaw.ca

Its been great hosting this list :)


Gordon J. Holtslander