U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: New home for list needed.

Re: New home for list needed.

Upsetting and sad news. 
This is such a wonderful and inspiring community you have hosted! Though I have only posted a small number of times, I feel a part of a community which has kept me inspired to keep exploring the alternative photo universe. 
I wish you all the best in the days and months ahead.

david drake

On 10-Nov-09, at 3:43 PM, Gordon J. Holtslander wrote:

Hello all:

The University of Saskatchewan has eliminated my position.  I was layed off this morning (Nov 10).

Because of this I will no longer be able to manage the alt-photo-process-L@usask.ca mailing list.
I no longer have access to my University address:

If any wishes to contact me please use the address gjh@shaw.ca

Its been great hosting this list :)


Gordon J. Holtslander

david drake photography