U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: New home: hey, slow down... Relax a bit... Take a deep breath!

Re: New home: hey, slow down... Relax a bit... Take a deep breath!

Title: Re: New home: hey, slow down... Relax a bit... Take a deep breath!
John et-al....

I DO NOT want to speak for Gordon or anyone else... But I’ve seen a number of people who have offered for short and long term solutions, including me.
Also, NOT SPEAKING FOR GORDON (and I hope he weighs in on this comment) there is a back-channel discussion that was started this morning BY GORDON with 5 of the members who have publicly offered to host and/or help. Frankly, Gordon has “owned” this list for at least the past 10 years that I can recall, and so HIS opinion of what happens to this list has to take a, if not the, precedence.  This has been a labor of love for him, and he’s done an OUTSTANDING job to date...  At least we all seem to be in complete agreement on that opinion. I believe that he truly has the best interests of this list in mind and in heart, despite the other issues that losing one’s job entails, and I personally am happy with whatever decision Gordon would make, even if that decision were unilateral (although I see no signs of him dictating any solution... Which only adds to my confidence in him!)

Let’s all not panic, as others have said. I’m confident that if this were to go away in the next 5 minutes, there would be SEVERAL interim solutions in place within the hour... And that’s just not going to happen. Usask is simply not going to unilaterally shut this server down with zero notice... That just isn’t done by any Admin of an educational institution. We have some time for a reasonable and considered solution rather than some overly aggressive responsive that does more harm than good.

I’m not saying to not discuss it, I’m not saying we can’t vote or do anything else... But the messages are flying hard and fast and it’s getting hard to not only keep up, but it’s.... What.. Distracting from our purpose here?  Nah, not really.. And definitely not off-topic. Well... I’m not sure what it is,  but I do know Gordon is working on this with other members (again, I do not even want to pretend to speak for him) and we have time to take care of this the best way for all.


On 11/11/09 9:19 AM, "John Brewer" <john@johnbrewerphotography.com> wrote:

That's good news Jeremy, but maybe 'the number' should make themselves known
to the list as you have.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Moore [mailto:jeremydmoore@gmail.com]
Sent: 11 November 2009 17:11
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: The Democratic Answer to new home - VOTE

There are a number of us with university/academic ties that are trying
to find a new home for the list that would be permanent. Let's not
jump the gun on anything.