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Re: From My Heart

Hi Susan,

Don't worry. I was just joking. It feels good to be alive and be able to joke.  :-)


>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Susan Huber <shuber1@telus.net>
>  Subject: Re: From My Heart
>  Sent: 16 Nov '09 18:06
>  Hi Dave,
>  Thanks but no thanks- don't put it on the net. I am ex- medical but can't
>  stand the innards- esp. surgery.
>  Susan
>  On 2009-11-16, at 2:15 PM, Bob wrote:
>  Hey Dave,
>  That's scary, and I'm really happy that your surgery went well!
>  Keep in touch with us!
>  Bob
>  On Nov 16, 2009, at 2:15 PM, Dave S wrote:
>  Thanks to all who sent me the well wishes. Yes, it is amazing what they
>  can do
>  nowadays. They opened the chest and rib cage, took my heart out, and
>  stopped it
>  for half an hour! That would have caused the blood to be intoxicated as
>  there
>  would be no oxygyn pumping, so they cut two holes in my body and
>  circulated the
>  blood with a machine. The whole surgery took about 4 hours.
>  The doctor did warn that I might not come back, but I did!
>  I am recovering faster that my friends and doctors thought, so the surgery
>  must
>  have been very well done.
>  They even gave me a picture of my heart! One day I might scan it and make
>  an
>  alt-photo print of it. Ok, ok, maybe it is a bad attempt to make this
>  email on
>  topic.
>  Thanks again.
>  From my heart (which I can really show you),
>  Dave
>  Susan Huber
>  [LINK: http://www.susanhuber.com] www.susanhuber.com