[alt-photo] Re: "Buxton"

Mark Nelson ender100 at aol.com
Thu Apr 1 23:53:14 GMT 2010

Go for it Judy!


Mark Nelson
PDNPRint Forum @ Yahoo Groups

sent from my iPhonetypeDeviceThingy

On Apr 1, 2010, at 6:43 PM, Judy Seigel <jseigel at panix.com> wrote:

> Thanks to Diana for comments re Buxton, which actaully cleared my  
> mind:  I realized that for GUM printing (which is where my head is  
> these days) Buxton is ..... um, like pearls before swine. Or  
> something along those lines. There's NO POINT in even doing gum,  
> unless you're going to coat, and scrub, and recoat, and soak to  
> death and so forth & so on.  (I've got an old pad of Strathmore I'm  
> going to try next... (heh heh, as whatsisname would say.)
> J.
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