[alt-photo] Re: Arista II OHP transparencies/gum

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Thu Apr 29 23:06:16 GMT 2010

Well, from what I've seen (and maybe I'm looking in all the wrong  
places), Inkpress is actually more expensive than Arista (at the 17x22  
size), and the Arista is definitely less expensive than Pictorico.   
Again, I'm looking only at 17x22 sizes; perhaps the price difference  
is not so great at smaller sizes?  I've bought Pictorico through B&H;  
B&S; and direct through Mitsubishi (who, I guess, owns it).  Arista  
I've bought only through Freestyle, and it's definitely less  
expensive, certainly at the 17x22 size, than Pictorico.  Check out the  
price differences at that size.  If it's minimal, and I've missed  
something, do post that for us.  Thanks, Jeremy.

On Apr 29, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Jeremy Moore wrote:

> I don't see that the Arista II is so much cheaper than the Pictorico.
> Inkjet Art has Pictorico for $47
> (http://www.inkjetart.com/cart/pictorico-premium-transparency-film-13x19-sheets-p-10252.html 
> )
> and the Arista II is $42
> (http://freestylephoto.biz/39313-Arista-II-Inkjet-OHP-Transparency-Film-13x19-20-sheets 
> )
> for 20x 13"x19" sheets. (8.5x11 it's $19 for Pictorico and $17.99 for
> the Arista II.)
> Am I missing something?
> Chris, with the Inkpress was it also a drop-in replacement for  
> Pictorico?
> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Christina Anderson <zphoto at montana.net 
> > wrote:
>> Jeremy,
>> I have used both and have not had any problems with either.  Ink  
>> Press is much thinner, more along the lines of the old Photo  
>> Warehouse I used to use but doesn't smear.  Arista is by far the  
>> nicer of the two and is essentially a close enough dupe of  
>> Pictorico but perhaps thinner and also no cut corner so you have to  
>> watch it.
>> Chris
>> Christina Z. Anderson
>> christinaZanderson.com
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