[alt-photo] Re: Alt-photo-process-list Digest, Vol 324, Issue 1

Judy Seigel jseigel at panix.com
Sun Dec 26 04:49:07 GMT 2010

On Sat, 25 Dec 2010, EJ Photo wrote:

> I know I shouldn't.

Well you all shouldn't... that is, just add your message onto the previous 
chain of messages from folks who added their message onto the existing 
chain of messages from folks who also added onto the etc. etc. etc. 
bringing the current message up to 15 zillion megabytes of whatever 
whatever and whatever, which, besides being, in case all have forgotten a 
basic rule of list etiquette, enough to crash the system of one 
lacking the oversized extra-huge memory of state of the art computers, is 
a *&^%!!!734 !!! #$%^&*()_+@#$ pain in the butt.

Which is to say, take the teeny weeny eency bit of trouble to select only 
the last comment, or maybe two, or if feeling hysterical, go to three, but 
for the love of heaven don't just click "return" ..... show us you know 
how to crop.


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