[alt-photo] Re: On going 2440 ink density issues - screenshots

Clay Harmon Website clayh at clayharmon.com
Sat Feb 6 19:28:51 GMT 2010

It depends on whether it is a PC or Mac. On the mac, you actually are creating another printer that is selectable in your page setup. It doesn't replace the existing driver, it is just another alternative. On the PC, it is a standalone RIP that drives your printer. You drag and drop a tiff file onto the program to make a print. 
On Feb 6, 2010, at 12:41 PM, John Brewer wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> I understand QTR to be a driver that replaces the Epson driver and allows
> more ink to be laid down. Regardless if it is a programme or driver, it will
> need to be installed so still have to call out the software guy which will
> cost.
> The processes I use with digi negs are trad cyano, gum, tricolor gum over
> cyanotype, van dyke and Pt/Pd.
> Regards,
> John.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org
> [mailto:alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org] On Behalf Of
> Paul Viapiano
> Sent: 06 February 2010 17:45
> To: The alternative photographic processes mailing list
> Subject: [alt-photo] Re: On going 2440 ink density issues - screenshots
> John...
> What process are you needing to print for?
> QTR is only a software program, (no drivers that I can remember installing)
> If your process is one of the ones Ron has a QTR profile for, it will be
> relatively easy to arrive at a very good-excellent starting point for
> further fine tuning. His palladium profile worked almost perfectly for me
> with very little tweaking, as did his gelatin silver profile on Ilford MG.
> Good luck!
> Paul
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Brewer" <john at johnbrewerphotography.com>
> To: "'The alternative photographic processes mailing list'" 
> <alt-photo-process-list at lists.altphotolist.org>
> Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 6:55 AM
> Subject: [alt-photo] Re: On going 2440 ink density issues - screenshots
>> Hi Clay
>> Thanks for the suggestion, it is an option I have thought about. I don't
>> really want to take this route though as it's a printer at work which 
>> means
>> I'd have to call in the computer guy to install things like drivers.
>> Additionally I don't want to/have time to learn anything new so if there
>> isn't an easy fix I'll take my laptop and 1290 into work.
>> Best wishes,
>> John.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org
>> [mailto:alt-photo-process-list-bounces at lists.altphotolist.org] On Behalf 
>> Of
>> Clay Harmon Website
>> Sent: 06 February 2010 14:40
>> To: The alternative photographic processes mailing list
>> Subject: [alt-photo] Re: On going 2440 ink density issues - screenshots
>> Hi John,
>> I highly recommend that you investigate using the QTR RIP driver. It 
>> allows
>> you to lay down as much ink as the substrate will hold. It is no sweat
>> getting densities in excess of 3.2 with the inks on the 2440. I suspect 
>> you
>> are being stymied by the Epson driver.
>> Ron Reeder's site and hybridphoto.com contain a lot of information about
>> using this approach.
>> Clay
>> On Feb 6, 2010, at 8:01 AM, John Brewer wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> My ink density still is short of what I need despite following, (I
>>> think!), Chris' and Mark's suggestions. Here is a screenshot of the
>>> colour test charts I use with the 2440 on the left and the 1290 on the
>>> right. Both charts exposed at the same time on  the same piece of paper.
>>> http://johnbrewer.yolasite.com/resources/colour-charts.jpg
>>> You can see no white in the 2440 in it, although it's close.
>>> Here is are screenshots of the CS4 and driver settings I used:
>>> http://johnbrewer.yolasite.com/resources/2440-settings.jpg
>>> Does anything here stand out as blatantly wrong?
>>> Things I've checked in desperation include checking inks ARE Epson,
>>> checking the correct cartridges are in the right slots etc.
>>> Thanks,
>>> John.
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