[alt-photo] Re: "Alternative Printing": Terms to define

Loris Medici mail at loris.medici.name
Mon Feb 15 21:03:49 GMT 2010

Well, to me pinhole is not an alternative process. Pinhole is pinhole;
already something in itself. X-ray, UV, IR, toy cameras, lensbaby,
self-made optics, photograms/shadowgrams and pinhole (and ...???) are
indeed alternative imaging methods, OTOH they're not printing methods.
"Alternative Process" to me is something about the "medium / object".
Those listed above belong to the category of "Alternative
Photography"... (Exactly as our Malin has already thought.)


2010/2/15 etienne garbaux <photographeur at nerdshack.com>:
> ...
> OTOH, unlike some, I see no reason why the imaging process itself is not a
> legitimate photographic "process" -- in my view, "process" does not
> necessarily imply "chemical process" or "printmaking process."  So, I'm
> inclined to consider pinhole, as well as ultraviolet and infrared imaging,
> to be "alternative" processes.  This can get arbitrary very quickly, though
> -- I would not consider using lensbabies or cameras with funky plastic
> lenses to be alternative, and IR is quickly becoming relatively mainstream.
> ...

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