[alt-photo] Re: Paper Negatives

Diana Bloomfield dhbloomfield at bellsouth.net
Sat Feb 20 16:20:51 GMT 2010


I've been using it for gum prints, too, and use it straight from the  
bottle (no dilution)--brushing on one thin coat-- which seems to work  
really well for me.  I seem to get much better results than with the  
gelatin sizing.  The most color layers I've done, using PVA, has been  
6, I think-- with no need to repeat the coating.   I like that very  
slight sheen from the PVA, too.

On Feb 19, 2010, at 10:58 PM, Judy Seigel wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Paul Viapiano wrote:
>> .... I should mention that these all have a layer of Gamblin PVA  
>> Size somewhere in between the color layers. usually before the  
>> final blue layer, as these were printed yellow, red and then blue.
> Paul, do you dilute the Gamblin PVA size... or use it straight?
> Judy
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